Automatic Income

The Plan

(Excerpted with permission from SABO – Starting A Business Online,  an eBook) To buy the COMPLETE eBook go to or to get it free simply click on the 1st ad at

The Plan

You must have a plan, an idea, a direction which you want to go, in order to be able to accomplish anything. In business, this is extremely important and necessary. Whether that business is “Brick & Mortar” or an online home based business.

It doesn’t have to be a formal business plan, as you are not going to need a bank loan to start online. Businesses online cost pennies compared to the expenses of a physical biz.


Are you ready to start your own business? Are you really? Do you have what it takes? Do you even know what it takes? Do you really want to build a business? or just earn an income online? They are vastly different.

A Plan can help answer those questions.

One AD Millionaire

You can earn an income just by referring people to other people’s businesses, (like and take the commissions and run. You needn’t have a business at all to do this, yet you could still earn income. You also may choose to do a combination of things (as many online do).

Or you can actually start your own business. Starting your own business can be a very exciting time. It can also be a very scary time.

It is filled with uncertainty, and doubt, and dreams, and hope, and fear, and celebration, all rolled up into one.

You can mitigate these items by sorting some things out before you start.

This is called the planning stage.

What do you WANT to do? What will you enjoy doing?

How much will it really cost you, in both time and money? Not just the upfront cost, but ongoing costs, in both time and money.

You see, at the beginning, there are only questions. And that’s a good thing. They will help you adjust your business to you, specifically.

There is no one-size-fits-all. That’s a lie propagated by all the fools out there claiming to have the best answer for you. They Don’t. I don’t. You are the only one who can determine if you really want to sell vitamins or potions to heal the sick, when they may or may not. You have to be the one to decide if you want to put in the time and expense necessary to learn and practice building websites or blogs. Or is it something else you want to do? Play music, cure cancer. You can even turn mistakes into a profitable business, teaching or coaching others on what NOT TO DO!

For any business to be successful, it must make money. Make more than you spend. It’s that simple and difficult, at the same time. If you are going to call it a business, the primary goal must be to make more than you spend. Otherwise, you really want to start a government or a charity, which do not use the same rules as business.

For some, this is the only goal. That’s OK. For most (around 90%) of the companies out there, this is their primary focus. For the remainder, it is to further “their cause“. But if they want to keep getting their message out, they need to have a way to pay the bills for generating that message, so they too, must make more than they spend, or beg (charity) or forcibly take it (government).

Currently, it is estimated that 98% of people who try to start a business online FAIL within their 1st year (only 60% offline).

The reason is quite obvious. FAILING TO PLAN.

Failure to Plan is, in fact, PLANNING FAILURE

By understanding and implementing this one fact, you can quadruple (4x) your chance for success. Knowing this in advance; Why would anyone NOT do it?

In a traditional business, if you don’t have enough of your own money, or choose not to use it, you apply for a business loan. Most reputable lenders will require that you provide them with a business plan of some type. They want to see how much is going to go out, and how much will come in, the time frame for these actions: operational costs, cash flow, customer acquisition, management, etc. They need this info down on paper to review, to make a decision, on whether your business will be viable enough for them to get their money back (the loan) plus interest (profit). Banks sell MONEY! For a profit. That’s their business. And they don’t even use their money to do it. They use customer’s money (savings, 401K, CDs, etc.).

(Side-note: Many banks have proven recently, that they really don’t do it too well…….Failure to Plan?)

You should do the same thing, but not for a bank or investor, do it for yourself.

Plan for setbacks. They will happen. Plan for change. It will happen. Plan an auxiliary fund. You may need it. Plan steps to measure success. Plan celebrations for accomplishing those tasks. Once your plan seems workable, Get started. Then adjust your plan to accomplish more or less depending on how things are going.

Don’t try to write “the perfect plan”. It DOES NOT EXIST!

Keep this in mind when you run into Analysis Paralysis.

Analysis Paralysis is when you keep analyzing and analyzing to the point where you never take ACTION, or are paralyzed with the fear of the unknown, or the fear of failure. All of life in the future is UNKNOWN. So you will NEVER know what’s going to go on in the future. Take the Now as a gift. It is, after after all, called the PRESENT.

One AD Millionaire

Learn from the past. Plan for the future, but act now to make it happen.

People only undertake the fear of starting something new when they are MORE AFRAID of staying the same.

Most of us would be afraid to run, at full throttle, blindly, through the woods or jungle. One might break a leg, or get a stick in the eye. It is “safer” to walk slowly and cautiously. That all changes if you are being chased by a bear or a tiger, who thinks you may be lunch. You are currently being chased by bill collectors and expenses–RUN!

Even WalMart (the world’s largest retailer) has customers come into their store and leave without ever buying a thing. Or worse than that, they only buy the loss-leader, and nothing else. (Note: a “loss-leader” is an item that a retailer sells for less than their actual cost, just to get customers into the store to buy more profitable items while they are there.)

It is a science that stocks bread, eggs, & milk at the back of the store). So don’t sweat the fact that people will come to your site or blog or store and NOT BUY what you are selling. This time.

Maybe they will next time, or with followup

(see autoresponder section). Full Book SABO Starting a Business Online is HERE

An easy (and cheap) way to see if you really are ready, is to have some business cards printed up.

If you are going to be in business, even an online business, get business cards!

Real, physical, “I can hand them out” business cards.

This will accomplish 2 things right up front.

1. Make you feel like you are really in Business

2. Let others know you are serious about your Business

The card can just have your website and email printed on it;

or you can go the traditional route of Business name, your name, contact phone, email etc. You decide.

You can get free software to print them up yourself (you will still have to pay for ink and card stock) on your computer, or get them done for you, better and cheaper, at (around $10). If you don’t want to “waste” $10, don’t go into business. ViralPrint is also a good source.

The actual process of thinking up what you are going to say on a little 2 x 3 1/2 inch card might be the first serious step many will take in the planning stage. Since many will “not bother”, that will already put you in “front of the pack”.

NOTE: If you do 10 or 15 little things that improve your chance for success by a mere 2% each, you will have improved your chance for success by 20%-30%. Many start-ups don’t think that way.

The PLANNING stage will help you sort through the millions of ways to earn a decent living from home.

Do you need a website? Should it be a blog? Do I want to sell? What about training? (Both getting and giving?) Should you sell vitamins? Do you want to take pictures? Are you good at writing computer code? Graphics? Writing sales copy? Outsource? Sell training or affiliate products? Will my product do better as an audio? Video? Membership drip-feed? Physical products? or as a combination of these things or more? Who is my Target Market ?

Will They Buy? Do they already BUY similar items?

A good honest plan will help you figure all of that out.

Along with costs of BOTH time and money.

(Your 1st “mini-plan” should be when to be finished with your plan,)

Many people just plan to “get rich. My guess is that would be right around the 98% mark. (see the correlation between this and the failure rate?)

One AD Millionaire

Instead, take the approach to have all of your initial investment back within 90 days or 120 days, or whatever works with your plan.

Then try to improve that by 25% each month. And soon you will be making it real.

Online business start up costs a fraction of what a brick and mortar business would cost. Pennies on the dollar!

If you spend $300 to start your business, your plan should have it so that you can realistically recoup that $300 within 90 days (or $100/month). Break it down even further: to recouping $25/week. Same thing, but in bite-size pieces.

Once you have recouped your initial investment, and there will ALWAYS BE AN INITIAL INVESTMENT, simply grow that by 25% each month.

In the example above, to grow by 25%, the first month (after 90 days) you would need to grow to $125/month. Then to $156/month, and so on.

Your plan might want that to be weekly. That’s OK, too. It is YOUR PLAN.

There are numerous ways to accomplish this steady growth.

Here are a few ways.

One AD Millionaire

Improve what you are doing (sales copy, price, etc) to get 25% more paying customers.

If you had 10, you now want 13.

If you can’t or don’t want to do it, or don’t know how, you could outsource it (any task you want) to places like or If you are good at anything, list your services for hire at elance or odesk.

(2018 Editor’s note:- both have now been combined as UPWORK)

If you do a search for either of those, you will find many people running businesses teaching how to use these services. Before you buy anything, know that the sites themselves have training available to you for free.

Reduce your failure rate by 25%. Use an autoresponder to further educate the visitors you are already getting. Reach out (advertising, affiliates etc.) to 25% more people, or a percentage based on your success rate. If you are currently converting 1 in 5, improve that to 1 in 4, and get 8 to see the offer, or 8 more.

Just so you know: Improving a conversion rate from 1 in 5 to 1 in 4 is a


Start with an Idea: What do you want to do?

What would be YOUR DREAM JOB? Regardless of education, background, etc.

How will you accomplish it? (online, offline, website, blog, affiliate, etc)

What tools will I need? (computer, software, domain, hosting, autoresponder, advertising, 800 number, etc)

What will be my initial costs?

What kind of profit margin do I have?

How many sales to break even?

How many sales to replace my current income?

What time frame can I realistically expect?

How much time can I devote to this? (including learning, building, training, marketing, fulfillment, customer service, etc.)

And any other questions you may want to add or delete. It is your plan.

Please keep in mind that “sales and commissions” are from what you personally can control. DO NOT add in things like “my downline will get this much for me”. They will never treat it like you do. Some may do better, many will do worse. DO NOT PLAN FOR OTHERS, only for you.

That’s where some of the lies come in (see LIES chapter). Matrix “trickle down”, and “MLM growth” are a sales ploy and NOT TO BE USED IN YOUR PLAN.

Please finish reading this entire book (maybe twice or more) BEFORE actually writing your plan. You can certainly make notes, but wait to get all the info before making your plan.

Once you have your plan, and feel pretty good, not perfect, just pretty good about it, then get started. A plan is a guide. It is NOT CAST IN STONE.

You write it. You can change it. That’s the beauty of Starting A Business Online, or off.

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Plan for “down the road” NOT to have all of your eggs in one basket. As you begin FOCUS on just one thing at a time. Use shared hosting (the kind for $5/month), and free tools, when available (and there are a lot available), when starting out. As you grow, put some of the profit BACK INTO YOUR BUSINESS.

Grow your own security with other people’s (your customers) money, just like the banks.

This is a planning thing that many online and offline fail to do: Diversify your hosting, your mailing lists, your products and services. When you plan this way life presents fewer stumbles. If one business/source/supplier goes out of business, your income is not completely shot.

And it all started with a good realistic workable PLAN.

As Colonel Hannibal Hayes (The A-Team) used to say


I love it when a Plan comes together

And so will you. But only IF YOU HAVE A PLAN.

***** End of Copyrighted material – SABO – Starting A Business Online ******

(Excerpted with permission from SABO – Starting A Business Online,  an eBook)

To Get the COMPLETE eBook go to

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Smart People Read EVERYTHING. As a result you can get SABO for free by clicking on and reading the #1 AD.

No signup needed. LOL 🙂

Automatic Income

All Work From Home Opportunities are Scams

You must be honest with yourself. If something promises you riches WITHOUT YOUR INVOLVEMENT, Use common sense. Why would they even need you?

All Work From Home Opportunities are Scams. I’ve heard this over and over again.

Is it true? Most of the time, the answer is:

NO. Most work from home opportunities are simply NOT SCAMS.

Usually those are people who tried at something for 1 or 2 days and didn’t make $1,000,000 dollars and say it was a scam. And they are right. It was a scam to them. They CHOSE NOT TO BELIEVE that it just might have been their effort,  knowledge (or lack of knowledge), and persistence to learn a new form may be to blame.

On the other hand, the person that they paid money to, thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Perspective determines whether an opportunity is a scam or not.

One AD Millionaire

If they want your credit card number or bank information or other information that is NOT needed for joining, run away as fast as you can! That’s probably a serious scam.

If they ask you to pay in cash, be leery, but it is not necessarily a scam. Many payment processors refuse to fund/pay things involving multiple levels or advertising or other things. The system may still be legitimate. Do your due diligence before sending cash.

I DO send and receive CASH! One big advantage to cash over credit cards is, you know what you are spending upfront. And there are no “processing fees”

They won’t have your credit card info for mysterious charges to show up next week, next month, or next year.

Automatic Income Working From Home

Working From Home Is WORK

Many forget the fact that WORKING FROM HOME is WORK! Just like a job, you must show up (although the schedule is up to you) and do the WORK every day, especially for the first few months. Then, if the program or product is good, and your work is productive it starts to get less and less work intensive, and profitable. NO ONE should start any opportunity if they are not willing and able to WORK to get it all started. My suggestion is that if you can’t afford to WORK (and whatever payments are involved) for 90 days (3 months), don’t even start. Stay stuck in a job. But if you are willing to actually do the work it could produce an “effortless” income….eventually.

Picks & Shovels
Mark Twain: When Everyone is Mining for Gold, Sell them Picks and Shovels.

One AD Millionaire

No one wants it more than you. Your success or failure is all on YOU!

No one will give you their “secrets”.

And if they offer you their “SECRETS” for a price, it is NOT A SECRET, It’s a PRODUCT!


If they could actually get 1,000 more “likes” for you on FaceBook, why wouldn’t they just do that for themselves and become rich?

My own personal observation on Facebook Groups for Home Business Opportunities

are just a bunch of amateurs posting their links, thinking that’s how they will get rich.

And then everyone (well, almost everyone) just responds with their own links.

It is totally idiotic.

Automatic Income

Is Outsourcing Good or Bad?

How Much of Your Life Do You REALLY Outsource?
It actually will astound many to find out they already outsource most of their daily life.

Most outsource the news (TV, Radio, Newspapers, etc)
The vast majority outsource their food (farmers, grocers, etc)
95% outsource food preparation (wives/husbands, restaurants, etc)

We outsource our power (electric companies), our water (public utilities), our communications: phones, cell phones, social media
along with the materials to use them.
Even our transportation is outsourced (autos, buses, trains, taxis, airlines)
Even when we drive ourselves, we have usually outsourced the fuel, the manufacture, the design, the production, the delivery, or some or most of these things.

The same goes for almost everything we use everyday. From toilet paper to housing.

Then we pay even more to outsource the risk (insurance companies, stocks, bonds).
Most of our entertainment is outsourced (movies, TV, music, internet, sports, theme parks, concerts)
Some even outsource their children’s care: daycare, nannies, schools, etc.

There is less and less “SELF RELIANCE”.

With that, comes the devastating risk of losing the one thing that keeps it all running.
We have outsourced that too. Usually,  to ONE person or company.
Making for a concentrated risk of losing everything, fast!
The proof was in the “financial collapse“.
Too much power in the hands of too few.

To spread out your income risk, or just to start a side hustle,

One AD Millionaire

post 1 little text AD, even if you have nothing to advertise…YET
and outsource and potentially EXPLODE your Income.

Another way to outsource an income is with 25Dollar 1Up

See my special video report of How to Make $500/week – click here

Automatic Income Working From Home

Don’t Give Up-Follow UP

Are you struggling? Are You Advertising Your Link? Are you following up?

There are so many scams, that it has made people “gun-shy”/”email averse”. Be yourself, and FOLLOW UP.

Here’s the data the National Sales Executive Assn compiled:

2% of sales are made on the first contact <<–This is where many quit marketing!

3% of sales are made on the 2nd contact

5% of sales are made on the 3rd contact

10% of sales are made on the 4th contact

80% of sales are made on the 5th-12th contact !

The difference between who is making THAT 5th-12th Contact (80% of SALES!), is YOUR followup (or someone else’s).
Did YOU sign up the very 1st time you heard about something?
Why would you expect others to?
Use Aweber TO DO THIS automatically. USE IT.

AutoResponder NeccesityStart with a Free Version.

As you can see from the chart above, IT IS A NECESSARY TOOL for marketers.

And Keep them on your list by providing real value. And keep providing value until


OR you can have others help you advertise & EXPLODE your Income and Advertising efforts with the simple advertising program at

One AD Millionaire

Automatic Income Working From Home

Bass Ackwards-Stop Living Life Nutso

Too Many people live bass ackwards, so I did this special report

Please enjoy bass ackwards

BassAckwardsCoverBass Ackwards

There are also the people who spend money on a system,

then they spend more money on another system, to make the first system work!

Insane. Just get a system that already has everything in it to make working from home a breeze The lite Version is 100% FREE

And/or GET a Simple Advertising Machine Working FOR YOU

One AD Millionaire

Automatic Income Working From Home

Time is our most valuable asset.

Time is our most valuable asset.

Many people don’t want to learn what it takes to generate an Auto Income.


If you currently have or are looking for “a job”, you will be spending your time (and sometimes money: resumes, travel, suits, parking, licenses, etc) just to work for a set price per hour, per mile, per week or per year, or whatever the rate.

If you invest that exact same amount of time in a business, or an opportunity, then work hard at learning what it takes to do it well (just like a job), in 3 – 6 – 9 months -or even a year, the income will continue to flow with or without your actual working (unlike a job).

One AD Millionaire

There are many thousands of opportunities for income that do not involve “a job”. But, If you want it to produce an INCOME, treat it like a job, not a hobby.

Look over many to find one that suits you, and your interests. Then (although many people do this first) look over and understand the compensation plan. Make sure that it will be worth your time and trouble to build upon that particular model.

Weight loss opportunities are a great example, and are very attractive and lucrative for many. But not long term for most. If the product is GOOD people will only need it for a few months. If the product is bad, you will spend all of your time trying to recruit more and more suckers.

The things that I like to promote are the tools that help any business become more successful. The weight loss people can use it. Realtors can use it. MCA people can use it. Empower Networks folks are using it. Online and offline businesses can benefit from good solid simple marketing tools, like a FREE page/funnel builder, hosting, and the holy grail: ADVERTISING!

The long term advantage, is people will use these to grow their current business, but even if they move on to another business, these tools will still be of great value, so the long term usability is a must in my book.

Lower turnover. Less recruitment. Built in training and tools.

Mark Twain once wrote:

When everyone is mining for gold, sell them picks and shovels”

Use your time wisely. We each have only a finite amount of it to use.

One AD Millionaire