Working From Home

Making Money From Home!  Welcome. I hope you get some useful information here.

Making money from home can seem both easy and hard. It can also be fast or slow. It can generate huge sums, or cost you a fortune. With all of these contradictions,

How can the average person make some decent money working from home?

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The absolute key is focus and determination. Not money or intellect.

You do need to have some money, and some intellect, though.

I do have a FREE TRAINING available where You can Learn To Earn, starting with Zero Dollars.  A lot is contained in this blog,  not just this post. (Free Page Builder & FREE Training

The average online marketer has absolutely no idea on how, what, where, and why to start their new endeavor.

We become pulled and bullsh***’d from all directions.

The one thing I can tell you for sure is there is no simplebuy this and get rich”  plan. YOUR EFFORT will ALWAYS be required!

That being said there are some ways that are quicker than others. And some that cost less, or more, than others. But that should not be the determining factor for YOU!

What do you want and/or need?

What will make you happy (or at least NOT MISERABLE)?

That is where you need to focus.

I can give you ideas and suggestions, but it is ultimately YOU who should judge if anything is right for you (both personally and financially).

Many are looking for an Automatic Income.
Since we all have automatic bills coming in all the time in the form of rent or mortgages, cell phone bills, telephone bills, internet, cable, clothing, food, electricity, transportation, insurance (many kinds), water, gas, taxes, and the list goes on,

so too should we have a way to generate money to pay for these things, AUTOMATICALLY, WITHOUT trading time for dollars. As in a job, where you get paid based on how long you work.

Not on how hard or how successfully you work, but strictly based on how long you are willing to do whatever they want done for the price they are willing to give you, and under the conditions that they set (time, vacation, benefits, etc).

That is in fact VOLUNTARY SLAVERY, or worse, prostitution. You are selling your life for Money. Hour by hour, week by week, month by month, or, year by year.
And many are doing it for far less than the average prostitute makes, but more than slaves made. Or do they? Many slave owners provided housing, clothing, and food, to protect their “investment”.

I do realize that it is hard to find a legitimate way out of the rat race, but many are doing it everyday.

Sales! Salespeople are paid on performance, not just for showing up and clocking in.
But not everybody is cut out to sell. That’s where the beauty of the internet comes in.

Sites do the selling. You do the inviting.
You just need to guide the right customers there, so the site can sell on your behalf. Sites take the rejections, and the payments.
And they can make you rich. Quickly!

Getting Rich Slowly is what you have been taught and it is WRONG.              How long have you been working? Are you getting closer?
When you need money to fix your car, or patch a roof, or to start a business, or go to the doctor, you need it now. They want their money now. QUICK.
So why would so many be afraid to get rich quick.  Many rich people get poor quick. Usually through bad decisions on their (or someone else’s) part.
That exact same scenario plays out when it comes to changing your mindset to actually DO SOMETHING to GET RICH QUICK. Make good decisions.
This site makes me money. I don’t sell you a darn thing, personally. I simply make it available and if you like or want it, you may actually join, or click, or purchase, and I will then make a little each time. Since 2012!!!!!!
If I then multiply that by a lot, means….. a lot!

Many opportunities are designed to have you get poor slowly, so that you don’t realize that they are bleeding you dry. “Join This for only $37“. “Get this upgrade for only $197 more“. Have you seen this? (See “LIES” post)

If you have been online for more than a week, you have. If you have a twitter account, you have. If you have Facebook account, you have. If you have email, you have seen this.
Why is it so pervasive. Because it works! That’s why. The sheep fall into the trap and then the hunters gather around for the kill.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just pay a fee, upfront, ONE-TIME, and be done with all of those other “upgrades”, and expenses. You don’t need another monthly bill, do You?

What if you had the potential of becoming a Millionaire in 6 months?              Just the potential. It may not happen. But then again, what if it DID HAPPEN? Would that interest you enough to at least see what it is all about? And if it were something that you might be able to do without interfering with your budget or your life.? What if your free report, that is only a few pages, and takes less than 10 minutes to read, could set you on a dramatically different path than you are currently on? Do You have 10 minutes?

If you really want to find out how to have an Automatic Income (this site by the way is -That’s (dot) .menot dot com) then get the free report, and use up 10 minutes. It may just be the best 10 minutes you spend of your life.

Click here to get the FREE REPORT INSTANTLY- No signup required

Look over all that we have to offer. We have a lot of expertise, even free software, listed in some of the items in the header. Use any and all of them to start Generating YOUR OWN


Any comments (the good, the bad, and the ugly) are always greatly appreciated.